Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CCSS Partners in Learning: Technology and Poetry

Can the the ELA CCSS inform the teaching of poetry? Does technology have a place in teaching poetry? The answer to both questions is a resounding “YES.”

In terms of the CCSS, students must be able to determine the theme poem, as well as the vocabulary (key ideas and details); understand structural elements of poems in terms of verse, rhythm, meter (craft and structure); and read and understand more complex poems (text complexity).

For the question of technology relating to poetry in the classroom, see if these three videos can convince you; the first comes from the Teaching Channel. It highlights a teacher and her classroom using technology in an interactive poetry lesson with workstations:
The second video was created by students. They created a presentation to show others how to write Haikus: (see below)

The third video is also from Teaching Channel, and shows how using technology in the classroom through a poetry open mike can allow for student expression and building language:
Here are some other ways to partner technology and poetry:
  • After reading a poem, have students create their own poems using Blabberize. View the lesson plan for grades 4-8.
  • For poetry practice, use Wizards and Pigs Poetry Pickle, a web interactive maze game to help kids practice poetry terms. The poems are displayed on screen and read aloud every time the student’s character encounters a friendly key-holding goblin. To get to the next room in the maze, the student must identify the correct type of poetry that their colorful friend just recited (rhythm, alliteration, or rhyme). Students can gain familiarity listening and following along with the written (on-screen) text of three types of poems.

Even more ideas can be found in these interactive poetry resources:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue;
Use tech to teach poetry,
And try something new!

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